Long time no-see! I took a hiatus from here due to some real-life craziness. October's Kid's Clothes Week was interrupted and unfruitful. I have hope for February's "Upcycle" week though; nearly my entire "fabric stash" is oversized clothes bought from the Salvation Army!
I have been doing a lot of sewing the past few months. Teddie outgrew that first adorable peacoat I had sewn him, and so I made him another in the 2T size. It is a little too big, but that is just fine with us!
Like his previous coat, this peacoat was made with the "Olivia and Oliver Peacoat" Pattern by PeekabooPatternShop.
I used craft felt for the exterior and snuggle flannel for the liner. My only regret was using six buttons instead of four. Six functional buttons is ALOT for a toddler to stand still for! Thankfully he seems to be blessed with my patience :-)
These pictures were taken at Teddie and mine's favorite romping grounds! The very old farmhouse (that you can barely see in this photo) was built in 1690 and sits on 230 acres of beauty! We love our town <3
Thank you for visiting, see you in February!